Thursday, August 30, 2012

Day 22: Positive Panties

Day 22: Ok, it's all started from the Facebook post:
"Its that time again! ..... time to put on the Positive Panties!

I have mine on and I don't mind telling you they feel pretty good. Very comfy, lots of room ...... do you see how BIG they are?!

When I put my Positive Panties on I feel like a totally different person. I am able to see the silver lining on every cloud, the positive in every negative. I can see the lesson in every hard situation and the light at the end of every dark tunnel. Tonight with my Positive Panties on I am thankful for where I am on my journey and for all the things that journey has taught me. The Positive Panties make feel that I am not just someone fighting cancer but instead make me so thankful to be alive and here to live and experience another day. The Positive Panties make me feel I am not simply a mother who has lost my child but instead I am a mother who knows true unconditional love and carries her daughter in her heart wherever she goes.

Will you join me and put YOUR Positive Panties on? Share with us what your Positive Panties bring out in your heart... share this post with your friends and family, invite them to join us at our Positive Panties Party and lets all shine some positive light in each others lives this evening and create a few smiles at the same time.

And I thought that it can be my new thing of the day! Yea! I'm have my own Positive Panties (boxers) now, which I claim from my husbands wardrobe. They are a shiny Christmas-green.  And by the way, if you would find yourself  someday without of pair on Positive Panties I will share them with you.  =)
And I'm thankful for my life. I'm blessed to have a wonderful family, friends and my beloved students.  

День 22: Все началось с одного поста на Фейсбуке о счастливых труселях. Мол, если мир не мил, грусть подступила... то пора надевать "Счастливые труселя". Вот мне и пришла в голову мысль... Конфисковала у Джима никогда не ношенные подарочно-зелено-блескучие панталоны, и вот тебе новинка дня! Теперь когда мне будет скучно или обидно - есть выход. А еще, когда их надеваешь, надо поблагодарить всех и все, что делает твою жизнь прекрасней. Так вот, я благодарна за мою замечательную семью, за моих друзей и моих перкрасных студентов. Ура!  

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